A fish out of water and onto a court
It’s been a while since I’ve learnt a new skill, I’ve always wanted to learn how to play Tennis and I started having lessons in June 2023 with PH Tennis
You don’t need a reason to learn anything other than you just fancy it, I’m aiming to stay nifty as I turn fifty…
- Learning a new skill is good for your brain and body.
- Fancied trying a sport that requires different skills; decision making, reflexes and responsive movement, being able to chat!!
- Teaching adult learners all the time, I really wanted to put myself back in that learning state.
I’m seven months in. I’m loving it, at times frustrated. I’m out of my comfort zone, like a fish out of water.
I have moments when I get it, then I really don’t get it. I hit a great shot, then I hit a terrible shot. I say sorry. I miss completely. I often laugh.
My body and brain feel connected, then my body and brain are at complete odds. By July I can now knock about with some friends.
I over-think, I know better than to do that and quickly stop. Feel it. It feels great. I hit a great shot. Why? What did it feel like? Recreate. Reinforce. Repeat.
Spent the summer practicing my ball toss in the garden, which drove the dog absolutely mad. He’s chewed so many. I buy more balls.
The coach in me is never far away. Let go of your ego. Keep it simple. Don’t compare. Watch and learn. Find your way. Focus. Feel. Enjoy the incremental improvement. I bought a racket.
The semantics of the coaches really resonates with me. The sensations of tennis. Tap. Push. Brush. Guide. Whip. I’m really enjoying watching others as we learn together. I’ve also benefitted from some one to one coaching. I’m really enjoying practice. I feel plateaus. Practice some more and then I feel improvement. I bought tennis shoes.

In September I came off a mountain bike on holiday. Ultrasound was really not good news. That’s me out of action. What if I forget. I don’t. Skill is a neural circuit. I’ve been wiring for a few months now. I bought a cap, my hair was driving me nuts.
More group lessons. A workshop. Seriously punching above my weight there. Wow those balls came over fast. I missed lots, I started to feel frustrated. Stop. Stay calm. Enjoy learning. Observe a higher standard. Visualise. I’m improving, inconsistent but improving. Finding my way. I bought a tennis bag.

As a swimmer, a coach. I’m making connections. The importance of balance and a stable platform. Body position. Direction of force. I’m loving the physics, the actions and reactions. Eliminating the wasted effort. Refining movements. Tuning into sensations. Utilising sling systems. Progress and practice.
I’ve now joined a group and going every week…sometimes twice. It’s January and I’m playing through the winter. If I can swim in the cold I can play tennis in the cold.
Rallying. Discovering. Igniting a flame. Maybe even a few new brain cells.
I’m tennis-ing 🎾