susan | July 23rd, 2024 | Swimming

The positive impact of small gains

A swimmer I have recently been coaching recommended I read  Atomic Habits, by James Clear. A little late to reach my bookshelf ….20 million apparently already read it! I [...]

susan | June 9th, 2024 | Swimming

Competitive Swimmers and Technique Focus

When I am approached by the parents of competitive swimmers for 1-1 Coaching the initial enquiry has a similar tone, here are a couple of examples.   My daughter swims [...]

susan | May 2nd, 2024 | Swimming


Breathing = it is our fuel supply, buoyancy, balance, sense of calm, control and focus. If our breathing isn’t as it should be your fuel supply O2 quickly runs out, [...]

susan | March 14th, 2024 | Swimming

The Power of Water

When you swim on a regular basis, you improve your cardiovascular endurance, whilst also building muscular strength, swimming uses a wide range of muscle groups and most muscles in the [...]

susan | January 10th, 2024 | Swimming

A fish out of water and onto a court

It’s been a while since I’ve learnt a new skill,  I’ve always wanted to learn how to play Tennis and I started having lessons in June 2023 with PH Tennis [...]

susan | December 28th, 2023 | Swimming

Challenges and Positive Ripples

People inspire people.  The experiences of others can spread positive ripples. Having coached Monica she has kindly shared her swimming story. As we start 2024, this article reminds us how [...]