Back to swimming foundations for experienced swimmers and why it is worth it.

Experience shows that whatever the standard of swimmer we are never far from the basics fundamentals.

Fundamentals of balance and streamlining are at the forefront of a swimmers skill development, improvements made here will further improve efficiency and maximise propulsion and the most accomplished and experienced of swimmers should review these basics as part of their training and continual improvement.



Simon Griffiths, founded Outdoor Swimming Magazine (H2Open Magazine initially) back in 2011, has 50 years of swimming experience and is an accomplished, pool, triathlete and long distance open water swimmer.  Back in 2018 he joined a Total Immersion workshop with coaches James Ewart, Penny Wilkin and myself, he explains perfectly why he found going back to foundations was well worth it.

Swimming is a skills-based activity and if you want to swim well, you ought to review and refine your skills from time to time.

I can honestly say I really valued taking the time to step back and look again at these basics that I’ve taken for granted for so long.  I’ve got some new ideas to experiment with in my swimming, and every time I learn something new about swimming I seem to enjoy it more.

To read Simon Griffiths full article published in 2018 please follow the link below.

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