Camilla shares her swim story. Part 1: I knew everything; Part 2: I accept I know nothing. And in between is surgery. I’ve been watching Susan Cheshire teach for years. [...]
Camilla shares her swim story. Part 1: I knew everything; Part 2: I accept I know nothing. And in between is surgery. I’ve been watching Susan Cheshire teach for years. [...]
I first met James in April 2024, when he attended one of my freestyle workshops. James had signed up for an 70.3 IronMan event in Estonia (The "70.3" refers to [...]
To acquire new skill and improve existing habits we first have to LEARN and improve AWARENESS; with a greater understanding we can then PRACTICE; this should include time developing feedback [...]
Hi Susan, a quick word on the triathlon I completed on September 1st. A quick word on the event. It was challenging. Sheesh! I initially signed up to do the [...]
A swimmer I have been coaching recommended I read Atomic Habits, by James Clear. A little late to reach my bookshelf ….20 million apparently already read it! https://jamesclear.com/atomic-habits I jotted [...]
When I am approached by the parents of competitive swimmers for 1-1 Coaching the initial enquiry has a similar tone, here are a couple of examples. My daughter swims [...]